
This disclaimer is to be applied to the contents of the web page www.epgdata.tv; by making use of the website, you unconditionally agree with the disclaimer. The web page contains information about the services Stoneroos provides in the field of EPG-data. These services consist of the collection, the editing and delivery of EPG-data. In any case the delivery of data does not imply any right to publish EPG-data.

This web page and its contents, which only consist of information about our services, has been composed carefully and with the greatest dedication. Nevertheless, the composition is the result of human efforts which means an error (e.g. an incompletion and/ or flaw) could occur. Stoneroos does not accept any liability for any damage which has occurred or may occur as a result of the use of this web page, the unjust information on the web page, or the impossibility to use the web page. Stoneroos reserves the right to make changes or remove the web page at any time and without any prior notice.

The use of content, taken or grabbed from the web page and sent via the internet by any person or entity is not permitted and does not create any liability to Stoneroos. Unauthorised or improper use of the web page and its contents can lead to infringement of (intellectual) property rights; Stoneroos will hold you responsible for any infringement or unlawful act.